Are you filing for divorce?

Are you filing for divorceDivorce is one of the most dreaded legal situations that anyone can face. Even if the two parties are not at complete odds, family law legal matters can divide and destroy a family. Studies have shown that, next to the death of a child, there is hardly a more devastating time than dealing with a divorce. Going through a divorce or dealing with fights concerning the custody of children rank amongst the most traumatic ordeals that individuals may face. At Scott Law Firm, we can help you obtain divorce, custody, and financial freedom no matter what kind of divorce you are facing. Our legal team can help you deal with the stressful ordeal of separating from a spouse. We can also help you attempt to strategize for any of the following legal concerns:


Alimony is also called spousal support. It is the payment of money from one ex-spouse to the other. It is awarded based on many factors, including the financial condition of each spouse, their educational needs, the earning power of each spouse, and the relative advancement of each spouse.

Child Custody

As a parent experiencing divorce, you will probably seek out the option that is in your child’s best interest when it comes to child custody matters. For many couples, this is a highly debated and controversial topic, and a lawyer can help you determine what is in the best interest of the child.

Child Support

Both parents are expected to provide physically and financially for the child’s well-being. A financial agreement will have to be established in the final trial. Child support calculations are determined based on a variety of factors, including the number of children and the lifestyle that he or she is used to living.


Divorce can be a stressful, emotional, and complicated situation because of the nature of dissolution. The parties rarely agree on many matters, and this can cause hardship for them and any children involved. Each case is unique and personal, and for that reason, it is important to involve a family law attorney.

Legal Separation

Legal separation consists of many of the same factors as a divorce except that the parties are not legally divorced. The couple remains legally married, but they are able to divide up assets, both financially and physically. Separation is typically chosen when there is a chance of reconciliation.

Restraining Order

A restraining order is an order of protection that requires an individual to refrain from performing specific acts. If this individual breaks any portion of the restraining order, such a violation merits arrest and a possible prison sentence. The order makes it so that the abuser must stay away from another’s workplace, home, and / or school.

Undoing a Marriage

At Scott Law Firm, no one can undo your “I do” like we do! We can help procure a healthy financial future for you. When you need an experienced litigator to look out for your needs and interests, we are here. Scott Law Firm has given quality and affordable legal service to many individuals undergoing difficult life experiences concerning family law matters. When domestic disputes arise, our office has provided zealous representation to help our clients obtain great outcomes.

No matter what the cause of your divorce, whether a result of an unfaithful partner or a desire to want more out of your life, Scott Law Firm is the firm for you! You can let us begin fighting for you by taking advantage of our free case evaluation. Please feel free to complete the form below to begin our work of “undoing your ‘I do.'”

Dissolution of Marriage in North Carolina

Dissolution of Marriage in North Carolina

Divorce is available as an option of relief and should be utilized as such. If you are dissatisfied with your current situation regarding your marriage, then you may greatly benefit from getting a divorce. It is important, however, that you have skillful representation on your side that can provide you with legal assistance, advice, and answers that facilitate your desires in this process. Issues such as child custody and asset division can be extremely difficult to resolve, and it is important that you have the representation you need to aggressively pursue your goals. In North Carolina, there are several different grounds for divorce, including but not limited to:

  • Living separately for at least one year
  • Abandonment
  • Cruel treatment
  • Drug or alcohol abuse
  • Infidelity

If your spouse has committed any of these actions, then you have grounds for divorce and may be able to better your situation by divorcing. It is important to know that this process can be extremely long and highly stressful. Legal assistance on your side can help you to keep perspective and prevent you from making any compromise that will prove to be detrimental to your future. Pursuing a better life is the ultimate goal of this process, and it is important that you are able to fight aggressively for the resources that you will need, such as assets and support.

Facing divorce? We can help!

If you have been served with divorce papers, or if you are considering the option of divorce, then you need skillful legal assistance on your side, and our firm can provide you with it. We have the experience and history of success that you need, and we can provide you with answers, advice, and assistance in your case. Our firm also offers a free case evaluation so that you may obtain legal advice regarding your situation without any financial obligation or commitment on your part. Seek the legal assistance of our firm today.